YLC JumpStart - Winter 2023 Edition

02/08/2023 06:00 PM - 07:00 PM CT



Have you ever wondered...Who is YLC? How do I get involved? What community service opportunities are available? Can I meet new people and leave a mark on New Orleans?

If so, join us for a JumpStart! You'll get a chance to meet our Project Leaders and learn about our community service projects, how to volunteer, as well as how you can impact the Greater New Orleans region.

JumpStart is free and open to YLC members and the public. This event will take place both online and in person at the YLC office, located at 1840 Euterpe St. 


Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85213552585?pwd=Nk9UTGhPWWtzQjBuR0crak4waEZHdz09