Civic Boards and Commissions Webinar

02/09/2023 12:00 PM - 01:00 PM CT




Are you interesting in taking a step further into civic involvement ? 

Learn when and how to access to New Orleans Civic Boards and Commissions with YLC ! 

YLC is offering a series of webinar and training all-year-long in partnership with UnitedWE.

Join us virtually on February 9th from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm  for our first webinar.

Register HERE


The training is built for anyone who is curious to begin their journey as a civic board member, with a special emphasis on involving more women and BIPOC. 


Overview of civic boards and commissions in the City of New Orleans

 Process for applying

Suggestions for appointment

Insights on leadership opportunities

Testimonies from current Board & Commission member(s)